Monday, June 18, 2012

Moral Compass: Essential Eleven by Aseem Rastogi

I recently attended the NCAA Student-Athlete Affairs Education & Training Symposium. I like to refer to it as NCAA ETS for short. We opened our 3 days of programming with a dynamic speaker, Felicia Allen Hall. She discussed our moral compass and challenged us to purposefully define our own. Her example was the "Essential Eleven" that create Aseem Rastogi's moral compass. (The PDF she sent us with the info is attached as an image below.)

My articulated moral compass is a work in progress to be shared soon. 

Felicia ended an email she sent to attendees today with the following inspirational quote and empowering message. 
"British Prime Minister, Benjamin Disraeli believed that “the greatest good you can do for another isn’t just to share to your riches with him but also to reveal to him his own.”

Your student-athletes will go further in life if someone they respect believes that more is possible.  Help them stretch their thinking by stretching yours."
For those whose passion is student-athlete development, these words not only cause reflection but the need to take action. The question is... how will you stretch your thinking?

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