Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Subtweet Much?!

It's pretty safe to say that a majority of the Twitter users out there are guilty of subtweeting every once in a while, if not on a regular basis. In 140 characters or less tweeters share a subliminal message that could involve hours of storytelling, pages of a short story, or a very long serious conversations. 

I'll be the first to admit that I'm guilty... I'm a subtweeter. And, whatever the equaivalent is on Facebook, I do that too. Sometimes it's a 140 chacracter message and sometimes it's quick blurb with a quote. But, as a said... guilty! I'm calling myself out and revealing the "sub" in the subtweet.

SUBTWEET:  Some days define &/or completely redefine the "etc" & "other" in my job description. These days keep life interesting & keep me on my toes!

Where do I begin?! Let's just start with the names others and I have discussed for a reality TV show featuring our work-based life... "If Walls Could Talk..." or "You Can't Make This S*** Up." Basically, think of your favorite reality TV show or sitcom... this reality TV show is going to be WAY better and have WAY more curve balls thrown at the audience. Those are the highlights of the redefining moments, which happen thru conversations, quotable moments, interactions, events, embarassing moments, bus rides, and much more. And then there will be the not so exciting "etc" and "other" moments that are featured in unexciting "Brown Bag Meetings" between professionals. It's the extra hours spent attending and assisting with events outside my expertise, watching countless sporting events, going to meetings, etc. Pretty sure you thought that I'd share some of the funny "etc" and "other" moments... no such luck. If you want to be privied to those tears, laughs, angry moments, celebrations, and sentimental times you're going to have to sign me to a reality TV contract.

SUBTWEET:  : We all have different priorities & values. Don't be upset w/ others when their priorities & values are the same as yours.

On a daily basis I interact with a wide variety of people. Everyone has (and should have) different priorities and different values. Our individualism is defined by our unique priorities and values. I firmly believe we should be open and accepting of others' beliefs and values. Although I sometimes struggle and am upset when another person's values and priorities are contradictory with what I'm trying to accomplish, whether it be in coversation or work tasks. Often times I get upset in the moment when others' priorities aren't in line with mine when we need to collaborate on a project and they expect me to value their time but they fail to value mine. [That was the direct source of this subtweet.] At times my frustration is stemmed by others trying to push their values and beliefs on someone I am talking about defining and following their own values and desires. All too often these 'other people' spreading their own 'good word' are invited to the conversation by themself, not those already involved. What I have to remind myself of is that some people's values may include educating others on their opinions and view of what is right vs wrong. 

SUBSTATUS/FACEBOOK:  Your investment in the people defines and shapes your investment in the game. Choose to be nothing but completely invested!

SUBTWEET:  Your investment in the people defines and shapes your investment in the game. 

I am blessed to work in college athletics. I work face-to-face with student-athletes, coaches, athletic department staff and university faculty/staff daily. I frequently interact with community members, boosters and fans in a variety of capacities. 
One of my core values is family... or relationships in other people's terms. Therefore, I think it's very important to invest in the relationships in all aspects of my life, including with everyone I'm blessed to interact with because of my 'job.' By investing in others I think you should unconditionally care about and love them. I consider myself invested in the relationships with my student-athletes and coaches. When you're invested in the people how can you not care about them meeting their goals and pursuing their passion? By working with student-athletes, this means by default that I'm invested in their success and meeting of their goals on the court, field or other playing venue. This fall has been full of defining moments and games... win this game to win the conference title, win this game to secure a bid to the NCAA tournament or a bowl game, score this goal to set a record, intercept a pass to redefine your success and other's success, and it goes on and on. In those moments I have no option but to live an die with every tic of the clock, pass thrown, goal shot, point scored, potential injury, etc. When you're invested in the people playing the game as individuals, you're far more invested in the game, how it's played and the outcome. In relation to my job, I firmly believe that if a person in the position isn't invested in the people, it isn't the job for them. This is why I choose to be completely invested and fully committed. If the time ever comes that I'm no longer fully committed to the people and their goals, passions and their development, then it's time for a major professional change. 

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