Thursday, July 25, 2013

Brand Yourself to be a Leader

I wrote the below message as the weekly leadership message for my soccer team. It's something I discuss in pieces and parts with lots of people I interact with; but, like the way the below written discussion summed up everything. ENJOY!

Brand Yourself to be a Leader
You hold a position that no one else ever has or ever will. You are the CEO of your personal brand. You have the power and responsibility to develop and define your own brand. Your personal brand represents: WHO you are, what you STAND for, and what you want to be KNOWN for. It remains consistent and guides you through all aspects of your life – personal, professional, athletic and social. 

Where do you start? Your Foundation. At the most basic level, your foundation encompasses your core values, personal mission/philosophy, and future plans and goals. Your foundation defines how you lead yourself day-to-day.

Like an iceberg, your foundation should be solid and established, but not everything is visible to every passerby.  As a leader on your team, within athletics, at the university, and in the community, what is most often visible? Your behaviors, language and actions. And, let’s not forget about your social media!

If you’re a leader, what should you remember?
      *You cannot lead others if you cannot lead yourself.
      *Part of leading is being self-aware, knowing your values and beliefs… 

         knowing your brand!
      *Don’t be a leader by convenience. Be a leader everywhere at all times.

Make the choice. Take action. Brand yourself to be a leader.

 “YOU” and “Aggies”
As is true in life outside of athletics, you often times represent your brand of “YOU” and the brand of an outside organization that you are integrally involved in. As you leave Utah State, it will most likely be your employer. But, in the here and now, you represent the “Aggie” brand too.

Your brand and “Aggies” should be like two people holding hands. They are connected and intertwined. As you lead yourself through behaviors, words and actions, you are leading your teammates. Your leadership is also representing your team, athletics and Utah State. As our Athletic Director always says, Athletics is the front porch of Utah State. So, as you brand yourself through your foundation and social media, keep in mind it’s proudly being displayed on Utah State’s front porch – even when the lights are off! 

"Today you are You, that is truer than true. 
There is no one alive who is Youer than You." 
~Dr. Seuss

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