Monday, January 30, 2012

New Perspective: Be The Fullest Expression of All You Are

Sometimes it takes getting away to gain a new perspective. Sometimes it takes stepping out of your comfort zone. Sometimes it takes being forced to interact with an unfavored aquaintance. Sometimes it takes falling and picking yourself back up. Sometimes it takes simple reflection. Sometimes it takes so much more than a simple, quick fix to gain a much needed new perspective. 
“Each of us is a seed of divinely inspired possibility that when nurtured in its proper context can and will grow into the fullest expression of all we are.” ~ Dr. Thomas Parham

Live to listen, learn and be inspired. Love freely and unconditionally. Have self-respect and respect others. Use intrinsic motivation and support others. Hold true to your values. Strive for your goals. Pursue success. Express your emotions. Establish trust. Laugh and enjoy life. Be happy. Never, never give up. Learn from mistakes and failures. Foster and promote a positive environment. Reflect. Focus on your passion. Be open to change. Follow your heart. Live the good life.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

The power of an "ah ha" moment.

Today's only 'rules.' No holding back. Write freely and honestly. Do not fear being judged. Be confident in feelings, thoughts and opinions. 

I'm in no position to have complaints about life at this point. I can gripe about putting in extra hours at work, being tired, or not having my every wish and desire met. But, really, I'm in no position to submit a 'real' complaint about an unfair amount of bumps in the road as I follow life's path. 
I went a few days lacking excitement for incredible blessings bestowed to my family and I. The biggest struggle was not being able to justify my lack of genuine excitement and trying to display forced enthusiasm to prevent questioning. When I finally had my "ah ha" moment I lacked the feeling of relief I had been hoping for. The moment of self-realization shed light on an explanation that could not be verbalized. Something that had no place in being shared with others. The "ah ha" would do nothing more than make it seem as if I was seeking pity, am ungrateful for what I have, and am unsupportive of others joy. But, just as quickly as I had that "ah ha" moment and did not know how to react and proceed, I was humbled. I know I will have to deal and move on. 
Having to deal and move on is easier said than done. It requires dependency on others, not self-sufficiency. When someone's entire world comes crashing down, you have to support them as they deal with the circumstances and help them to gain the strength to move forward down life's path. They are dependent on your support, direct or indirect, which is key to successfully making it through the grieving and healing processes. 
Sometimes taking action or speaking what's on your mind when you have your "ah ha" moment is not what you need to focus on. Sometimes silent self-realization is all you need or all you get. Sometimes once you have your "ah ha" moment, what you need to do next is help someone else find theirs. Your best healing tool is helping others. 

If this were Twitter, it would be an incredibly lengthy subtweet. If I could verbalize the 'unspeakable' truths, this would still not accurately portray my internal struggles. If this were a private, hand-written journal, this would still read the same way, with the only difference being a lot of whiteout, scribbles, etc. 

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Life's Roller Coaster Ride

Life has so many twists and turns, ups and downs. Life is a roller coaster ride. Part of life's ride is standing in line. Part of the ride is having your stomach in your throat. Another part of life's ride is screaming with joy. And, part of life is crying out in fear. Then, things slow down, you hit the plateau and you weave thru the line again for the thrill of another roller coaster ride of emotion. 

Good, bad or indifferent, some days I experience the whole ride in a day. And, some days the ride is a continous drop spiraling downward with no uplifting moments. Today's ride made me reconsider why I chose this roller coaster... the enviroment drains the joy out of the ride and lacks support to make the ride worth while. When any aspect of life's journey is devoid of love, compassion, caring, passion, and happiness, it is incredibly difficult to find the positives. Thank goodness for those people who do not comprehend the definition of a bad day. Those people that can make you laugh or put a smile on your face no matter what, even if they're just being honest. When you think you've hit the breaking point and you're plotting how to get the 'h' out of dodge to find a roller coaster in a far 'better' place, it's those positive people that pull you back to reality. They remind you that life is full of joys and happiness. They remind you that it's the positive people along the journey that makes everything worth while. There will always be negative people that interfere with your journey, but it's the positive people you choose to focus spending your time with that are the greater impact. You just have to make the choice to not let yourself be brought down. You may have to refocus and re-evaluate your perspective by counting your blessings and finding the positive in every day. 

Tonight, I've had to refocus. I've had to re-evaluate my perspective. I've had to count my blessings. I've had to find the positive in today. 
  • I started the day by helping someone who was having an incredible horrible morning. Hopefully one simple act of kindness that took a few extra minutes out of my day, helped them to have a positive day. Random acts of kindness help to make the world, the community we live in a better place. 
  • Although it may not be their 'job,' I am blessed with a co-worker that does not fail to provide positive reinforcement, say thank you, and be a positive influence. 
  • I have a positive support system that reminds me I need to let go, focus on that which I can control, and (try to) not stress about the other stuff. 
  • I am blessed to work with amazing people every day. I'm able to serve a diverse group of people that are all unique individuals and help them in reaching their goals and dreams. I'm kept on my toes everyday. There's at least one person every day with an amazing attitude about life that is able to make me smile or laugh... to bring joy to the ride. 
  • I have an amazing family that is ever growing. The newest addition will be tomorrow... a neice or nephew will join the clan. 
As the day comes to an end, I'm reminded that regardless of the ups and downs the ride on life's roller coaster is about experiences, life lessons and enjoying the ride. 
The bad makes the good better. And, the good makes the better best. Here's to aspiring for the best while living the good life on this crazy ride. 

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Accept the challenge.

We've officially welcomed in the new year. Many people have made (and proclaimed) resolutions for change and made a list of goals to achieve on a one year deadline. But, I challenge myself and others to this... 
Be the best version of YOU not because it's a new year, but because that's what the world needs everyday.
I will be the first to say that some days in life's journey I struggle with being the best version of me. Nonetheless, I make an attempt to find success along the way each and every day. Part of being the best version of yourself involves accepting the unexpected, unplanned and undesired. You also have to be adaptable and flexible. Make changes when changes need to be made... it will make your good better and your better best. Always strive for more. Don't set the bar low. Set lofty goals in all aspects of your life and set out to reach them. When you reach each goal, celebrate and set the bar higher. Pursue your passion. 
There are two things not found in the definition of being the best version of yourself... misery and hate. Take control. Execute your power of choice. Choose what makes you happy. Choose what gives you a sense of fulfillment. Love. And, let that love be unconditional. Every person in your life is a blessing and a teacher. Every blessing is influential in defining the best version of you. Some blessings, some people teach you how you want to be. Some teach you how you do not want to be. So, love each of the people that blesses your life for helping you become the best version of you.
"The greatest power ever bestowed upon mankind is the POWER OF CHOICE. Choose to persist without exception. Hold fast to your dreams and stay the course, even in the face of exhaustion, rejection, and uncertainty." ~ Andy Andrews 
‎"Life is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets. So love the people who treat you right, forget about the ones who don't and believe that everything happens for a reason. If you get a chance, take it. If it changes your life, let it. Nobody said that it'd be easy, they just promised it would be worth it."  
"You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose." ~ Dr. Seuss