Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving Hand Turkey

I am thankful for... 

Opportunity: The chance and ability to experience so many invaluable lessons in life. 

Service & Support: The ability to provide service and support to others, while also having both reciprocated by others. 

Dreams, Ambitions & Passion: Having goals and setting my sights high to achieve anything I set mind to. Also having the passion to pursue those dreams and ambitions while fully investing myself and not giving up.

Family/Relationships: Family are all those people and relationships that have impacted my life, continue to impact my life, and will impact my life in the future. Life is about the relationships and unconditionally loving others.

Memories: Of people, places, opportunities, laughter, tears and lessons learned.


A little background on the Thanksgiving Hand Turkey... 
It's become a tradition for me to make a Thanksgiving hand turkey each November and share it. In elementary school and in Sunday Bible School we did these type of projects when we were little. Post-2nd grade I was reintroduced to the quick, meaningful art project in basketball study hall at NC State. My fellow intern, Lolly, made the guys all make one in study hall before Thanksgiving break. The guys rolled their eyes to start, but as soon as we traced their hands they quickly got down to business. To the suprise of many they listed honest and meaningful responses when filling in their 5 fingers of thanks. Lolly, our compadres Abbie and Joe, and I each made one too. It's now an intern family tradition. Every November we make a hand turkey and share it publically. Needless to say this year when I posted mine on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter I got a favorites, likes and retweets from my intern family within minutes. 

After I finished my hand turkey this year I took a quick glance at mine from last year. They are very, very similar. When I reflected on it a little, I realized both are very much in line with my core values and personal brand. 

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