Saturday, February 23, 2013

Wondering & Wandering

"Not all who wander are lost." ~ J. R. R. Tolkien

"Not until we're lost do we begin to find ourselves." ~Henry David Thoreau

Ever feel as if you haven't gone anywere and haven't been searching for anything, but know you're lost? It's as if you know you don't have a defined direction leading you to live every moment in pursuing the good life, but there's nowhere to turn. 

Maybe, just maybe, through the wandering and wondering there will be an epiphany, a light at the end of the tunnel, some defining moment. In the meantime, put on a smile, be the best version of you, and be a powerful presence in the lives of your WHO. While searching and when found, have faith and live a life filled with unconditional love and support for your family. 

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