Tuesday, November 22, 2011

I made memories. I laughed until I cried.

Think about the greatest moments in your life. Were you happy? Were you sad? Did you smile? Did you cry? Did you celebrate? Did you laugh?

In the greatest moments of my life, I was living. Living the good life. Sometimes there were smiles, sometimes there were tears, and sometimes I laughed until I cried. I let myself live in the moment and experience true emotion. I did not hold back. I allowed myself to be me. 

In the greatest moments of my life, I made memories. I made memories putting on 'concerts' on the back porch, chasing frogs and pulling the 4-wheeler out of the canal with the Club House Gang. I made memories living the life of a farmer's daughter. I made memories as I ventured through the Redwoods and all over Oregon on RV trips of a lifetime. I made memories as I was pushed overboard from a paddleboat into the Mediterranean Sea. I made memories being swept away as royalty after my strapless gown was unsuccessfully pulled down and my strapless bra was successfully pulled out. I made memories lying on my back counting the stars in the bed of a pick-up truck. I made memories as I left everything I knew to start anew. I made memories as my friends - my Carroll family - and I held each other tight each time life as we knew it changed. I made memories as I watched the "Saints Go Marching In" time after time. I made memories while knelling in honor before a monk in their holy temple. I made memories when I gathered family for memorial trips to reflect and remember those who were dear to us. I made memories when I picked-up and left my life behind again and again. I made memories as I read during pre-trivia prep, sang karaoke, studied my days and nights away, and embraced my peers every minute of every summer day. I made memories when I learned the significance of 'Roll Tide,' 'War Eagle,' 'Sweet Home Alabama,' grits, tornado sirens and y'all. I made memories in 'Club Case'  in the form MJ hallway dances, apology poems, and ASPSA wedding planning. I made memories as I was 'pre-proposed' to just outside the 'Boom Boom Quiet Study Hall Room.' I made memories as I witnessed a 'package check' during an initial visit to Utah when the first ever CLA was awarded. I made memories when I saw the 'A' lit blue. I made memories as Bieber guided our Intern Family to dance our way through Raleigh during a reunion. I made memories during my 'Wild West Adventures' with Walla Walla Kid, Miss Maggie and Aunt Sue. I made memories when I broke the rules and introduced the Montana skyline wedding reception to the Cupid Shuffle. I made memories when I accepted new people into my 'family.' I made memories as I embraced the moments in my life. 

As I embrace the moments in my life, sometimes there are smiles, sometimes there are tears, and sometimes I laugh until I cry.

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