Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Power of choice.

Every person has the power of choice. We have the power to choose what will make us happy, what will make us feel complete, what will fulfill our dreams. We have the power to choose what is right for us and what is wrong. Only YOU know what is right for YOU and what is wrong for YOU... that's why you have the power to choose for YOU. 
With your power of choice, make positive, impactful choices. Choose happiness. Choose your passion. Choose your attitude. Choose to expand your horizons. Choose to create a positive change. Choose to serve. Choose to positively influence others. Choose to smile. Choose to never give up. Choose to succeed
You are in control of your life. Choose to define your path. Choose the power to write your own story, a story for a good life. 
"Your life isn't defined by what happens to you; you define your life by how you choose to respond to the things life throws at you. That is the POWER OF CHOICE!" 
"The greatest power ever bestowed upon mankind is the power of choice. Choose to persist without exception. Hold fast to your dreams and stay the course, even in the face of exhaustion, rejection, and uncertainty." ~ Andy Andrews, The Traveler's Gift
**Photo from http://www.flickr.com/photos/tasty_goldfish/3339640903/ 

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