Saturday, December 31, 2011

Let's do this!

Ready to bring in 2012 in style. Forever grateful for all the lessons learned in 2011 and for all the people that blessed my life. Celebrating the last hours of this year with my Logan/Utah State peeps, but also not going to look back... I have no doubt 2012 will deliver even greater lessons, amazing experiences, and be filled with even more blessings in the relationships I develop and grow. I will continue living the good life!
Let's do this! 
Tonight is gonna be LEGEN... wait for it... DARY! #BarneyStinson#Awesome

Today is the end. Tomorrow is the beginning.

It's officially that time again... time to start a new year. Considering my life functions on an academic calendar, I'm lucky enough to have two "new year's" celebrations annually... one culimnates with December 31st festitivites and the other with graduation. Today is the fireworks, ball drop, countdown version. 
This past year has been a great learning experience. I've been blessed with many life changing experiences and achieved various goals and life milestones. The year started with a late night flight back to Utah from home... nothing like bringing in new year in the air flying from one time zone to another and not knowing exactly when the year has begun.
Next thing I knew, I was on a plane again to visit my Intern and ASPSA family. At a time when I was struggling 6 months into transition, it was a blessing to be back with the people that have been amazingly supportive forces in my life even though I had only known them for a year and a half at that point. Time with them was the greatest reminder that laughter is key to happiness in life. 
After the typical day-to-day after day-to-day routine in Logan, in May it was off to Vegas for the first time. Five people in a jeep and sharing a hotel room for two nights... couldn't have been a better trip. We relaxed, let loose and celebrated the union of friends. We taught an entire group of  strangers the importance of follow through and dedication of fighting to the end of every play in any game. 
After a month or so of uneventfulness, it was time for one of the biggest learning experience of my life... playing guardian to a teen. There was no playing involved though. It was all business at least 8 hours a day with strict rules and expectations 24/7. The only 'fun and games' were hikes, gym time and board games that the teen was not too keen on. I really don't like to be the bad person, but that was the definition of my role for one month during what should have been my summer of freedom and fun. I cracked the whip day-after-day, held fast the the rules I had set, and did not give in when I was hated. A once strong relationship nearly deteriorated, but in the best interest of other's future. The biggest lessons end up not being in grammar, punctuation and basic algebra, but rather the importance and value of education, family and respect. 
After what seemed like the longest drive of my life (only eight hours!) with an unhappy 15 year old, I was blessed to meet the two newest members of my Carroll family and visit with others. Four of the most influential years of my life were spent in Helena and my definition of family changed and grew immensely during that time. Now, that family continues to grow and change as those that blessed my life there are fortunate enough to grow their own family's. 
After only a week or so back in Logan, it was on the road again for a crazy amount of family time and another change to the family structure. I love, love, love to travel and love equally as much to spend time with (most of) my family. I was with my aunt and uncle from Georgia and another aunt from Washington for a week. I am so blessed to have had the time with them. We spent 4 days in Jackson Hole, Wyoming enjoying the national park, bailing out of the car at the first sight of buffalo, white water rafting, and listening to Walla Walla Kid tell endless stories at night and educate us (and the locals) on guns and shootin' during the day. Then it was the day-long drive to Havre, Montana for a family event... my sister's wedding. 
It was a crazy couple days preparing for her BIG day. As many people know, there was a list of "rules" I had to follow that weekend. To those people that set me up so I would violate rules... THANK YOU! I have no doubt it was well worth the laugh you got out of the situation. Although I may have had to bite my tongue at times, this family wedding helped me to realize first-hand how others choose to define family, adapt their priorities, and such. It also taught me exactly what I do and do not want to do as a bride or wedding party member in the future... and for that matter, simply how I want to act and be perceived as a wedding celebration attendee! 
In all the hustle and bustle of family trips and wedding nuptials, I missed an important anniversary. The one year mark of holding my current job -- full-time and permanent! The first time since undergrad that at the one-year mark I didn't have to pack my stuff and move to a new job... a new state... a new life. In a year and a half's time, I have learned so much about myself, my passion, my work, and the importance and power of relationships. 
In August and September, everything in life and at work seemed to happen quickly, one after the other. It was back to school in no time at all after the quality family time. Did I even have a summer?! The weeks of the academic term passed quickly, games were won and lost and it was mid-semester in no time. Then, it was off to Arizona (for the first time) for professional development. It was the personal development and lessons during that time that were probably equally or more educational for me. I learned the power of the decision I had made to accept my current position... things could have been very different had I even stepped foot on another campus. I could be living in a different town, working in a different position, and be in a totally different place in my life. I also met several friends that I was with for only a couple days, but now talk to regularly. And, I formed several professional relationships that I know have the power to change my life quickly. 
With the excitement of the end of regular playing seasons and post-season wins for students and coaches, my anxiety grew. It was nearing the end of the semester, but the possibility of being blessed with amazing opportunities also loomed. The importance of positive relationships with those who can advocate for you was more than evident. This was demonstrated when I was able to travel to Auburn for the first round of NCAA's with the soccer squad. The excitement of the trip for me was two-fold. I wanted nothing more than to be present and cheering the team on, but also I could return to the South even if only for a few days. I was fortunate enough to have my AUM family take time out of their busy schedules to make the trek from Montgomery to Auburn to visit for the afternoon. It made my anticipation to return next October for a wedding even greater! 
The next blessing was the day I became a (self-proclaimed) godparent. Some people might question the "self-proclaimed" part. But, fact of the matter is, that's just how we operate. Scott, Mathea and I have been friends since we talked on the dorm phones looking at each other thru the windows of Guad during freshman year. There's just an understanding there... we make life decisions for each other. Scott and I nominated ourselves godparents of the unborn, gender-unknown child months before it's birth. Mathea never questioned our role with her child and accepted it from day one. Mathew was born the Monday before Thanksgiving and even though I haven't been able to meet him yet, he's been an amazing addition to my life and family. I get photos, videos and text updates of him several times a week. Heck, my mom even made him his crib quilt and got the outfit he came home from the hospital in. That sums up how my parents (or at least my mom) and I view family... ever growing to include the people that bless our lives. 
The year ended how in evolved... in a whirlwind of events and holidays in the presence of "family" but never the same people. It was a "Very Randall Thanksgiving" that involved pre-Thanksgiving festivities, Thanksgiving Day festivities and post-Thanksgiving festivities. Until this year, I never knew Thanksgiving was a Wednesday thru Saturday holiday! Then there was the stress and craziness of Dead Week, Finals Week and Bowl Game prep. In my world, people talk about the craziness and how it impacts EVERYONE in athletics. Experiencing this first-hand though, does not do other's explanations justice... especially when the bowl game you attend falls during Finals Week! Then, it was off to Boise for an overnight trip to be a part of the Aggie Nation supporting the team's accomplishments. I hold out hope that some take notice that walking away without a win should not overshadow what was achieved throughout the season and foundation that was paved for the future of the program. Then it was Christmas... spent with another family... the Thomas family. 
And now it's the end. I don't know what tonight will hold, but I can guarantee it will be epic... it will be legendary. After a successful Ugly Sweater Party, we're hosting a New Year's Eve Bash. The text invites are sent, the fridge is stocked, my new board game is made, and the shopping list written to prepare for a successful night of celebrating the end and the beginning. 
What will be written in my life's story during the next year? What changes will affect my life's path? What blessings will impact me? The future is unwritten, but I have no doubt the next year will have many life changing experiences and lessons to be learned. It will be yet another year I am blessed to be living the good life.
Goodbye 2011. Hello 2012. 
"Be the best version of YOU not because it's a new year but because that's what the world needs everyday."
"This life is yours. Take the power to choose what you want to do and do it well. Take the power to love what you want in life and love it honestly. Take the power to control your own life. No one else can do it for you. Take the power to make your life happy." ~ Susan Polis Schutz
"It's only a fun time if there's fun people..."

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Filling my heart and mind.

Feeling satisfied with my life. Reminders of my purpose. Affirmation that I am important and influential in others' lives. Realizing that caring for and loving others is unconditional. Confirmation that relationships are the most important part of my work; of my life. Proof that integration of all aspects of my life can allow me to lead a happy, fulfilling life; a good life. 

One simple, short visit from a former student-athlete left me with all the above filling my heart and mind. Her visit reminded me of why I approach my life's work the way that I do. Genuinely caring about the overall experience, success and happiness of those I work and the relationship I have with each of those individuals is not confined to office walls eight hours a day. A happy, successful life is defined by the overall experience, not just X's and O's or credits and GPA. This is why support must transcend many environments. 
"The quality of your life is the quality of your relationships." ~ Anthony Robbins
“Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence.” ~ Aristotle 
"The value of a relationship is in direct proportion to the time that you invest in the relationship." ~ Brian Tracy 

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Satisfying needs to live a good life.

Vital Needs.
Improving the quality of life by acknowledging and satisfying my seven primary vital needs. 
  • Need to give and do for others. Want to provide services to all those that are a part of my life -- in my personal life, in my work life and in my community. A majority of the time, I would prefer to focus attention on others and their needs, rather than my own wants and needs. 
  • Learning something new. Thrive on having my mind constantly stimulated by new information. I want to learn something new every day, whether it's academic, how to better support others, or personal development focused. 
  • Variety of experiences. Preference to be busy or occupied at all times. I love learning, trying and performing new and different tasks. Although I value structure, I like the structure to include a constant changing of surroundings, job descriptions, projects, and life experiences. 
  • Being with people. Being surrounded by people and having an abundance of relationships is vital to living a good life. The structure and nature of my relationships are vast, based on the variety of experiences I enjoy incorporating in daily life. The need for relationships also directly correlates with my need to provide support and service to others. Being highly involved with the workplace and in personal endeavors provides a large variety of experiences and countless relationships. 
  • Humor. A need to laugh. A need to find the lighter side of situations and discussions. A need to not be so serious in every moment of life. A need to find joy and happiness in conversations and experiences in life. 
  • Structured time. High need to have a schedule and routine. Unstructured time and activities are even built into the day's plans. Chronically check calendar/schedule and love to plan in advance. 
  • Job satisfaction. Satisfaction in the work place is determined by how many primary and secondary vital needs are met through a "job." Blessed to be in a "job" that allows me to fulfill all six of my other vital needs. Satisfied when I can serve and support others... the definition of my job! Satisfied when I learn something new... people, experiences and new information teach me every day. Satisfied when I have a variety of experiences... always something new or different to do daily. Satisfied when I am surrounded by people and am cultivating new or current relationships... blessed to interact with a variety of people. Satisfied when I have humor throughout the day... even on down days, someone gives me a reason to laugh each day, even if it's at myself. Satisfied when I have my time structured... multiple calendars on the computer and the phone. Satisfied when my job fulfills my other vital needs and my passion. 
Satisfied in living the good life. 

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Why I do what I do.

Today I was blessed. 
At the end of a very long day, I am nothing but thankful that today was overly busy and exhausting. Today was full of reminders of why I do what I do. I have a passion for my life's work that allows me to count my blessings every day. 

Today I was blessed to celebrate successes

Today I was blessed to provide support and guidance in overcoming struggles. 

Today I was blessed to be challenged to step outside my comfort zone. 

Today I was blessed to see service provide more in return than was given. 

Today I was blessed to see learning transcend the walls of a classroom. 

Today I was blessed to work with amazing people who taught me many lessons

Today I was blessed to have reminders that I am fortunate to have found life's work I am passionate about. 

Today I was blessed to be living the good life
“The way you get meaning into your life is to devote yourself to loving others, devote yourself to your community around you, and devote yourself to creating something that gives you purpose and meaning.” ~ Mitch Albom
"Gratitude, like faith, is a muscle. The more you use it, the stronger it grows, and the more power you have to use it on your behalf. If you do not practice gratefulness, its benefaction will go unnoticed, and your capacity to draw on its gifts will be diminished. To be grateful is to find blessings in everything. This is the most powerful attitude to adopt, for there are blessings in everything." ~ Alan Cohen

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Blessed to be living the good life.

Most days there is a moment or moments that reminds me why I have followed and chose my life's path. The path that continues to lead me in living a good life. 

I am blessed to have countless people teach me lessons every day. Sometimes I am reminded to reflect on what impact I am having on others and the lessons I am teaching others. These reminders prompt me to continue improving myself and to work to be my best. Other times, the lessons others teach me guide me to learn something new about myself, about others, or about how to best serve and support others. Ending the day with reflective thoughts or feelings that I have been taught invaluable lessons from others leads me to feel a sense of success in my life. 

I am blessed to have found a career that I am passionate about and gives me a sense of fullfillment. I have found passion in the ability to learn, serve and provide support daily. In living my life to achieve passionate, meaningful professional pursuits, I have provided myself with a fulfilling and therefore successful life. 

I am blessed to recognize that change is inevitable and accept it as a vital part of my life. Change allows me to continue to learn, develop and improve. Change also provides the chance for new opportunities. Although new opportunities may sometimes be disguised as a bump in road or a setback as we follow life's path, they are often times the greatest source of our learning and future success. Change and opportunity are two natural tools as I pursue living a good life. 

I am blessed to realize that I there are moments each day that demonstrate why I was meant to chose this path in life to find happiness and fulfillment. Those moments are fueled by the people that I interact with every day... the people that teach and support me and the people I am privledged to teach and support. These moments provide me with a love for my life and living the good life. :) 

‎"Life is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets. So love the people who treat you right, forget about the ones who don't and believe that everything happens for a reason. If you get a chance, take it. If it changes your life, let it. Nobody said that it'd be easy, they just promised it would be worth it." 
"Each man must look to himself to teach him the meaning of life. It is not something discovered. It is something molded." ~ Antoine De Saint-Exupery
"Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn." ~ Benjamin Franklin 
"I challenge you to make your life like a masterpiece. I challenge you to join the ranks of those people who live what they teach, who walk their talk." ~ Anthony Robbins

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Nevers to live by.

Always remember what is important, what I stand for and how I want to be remembered and impact others by following the "nevers to live by."

Never quit embracing all life has to offer

Never lose sight of striving to succeed and accomplish my dreams and goals through hard work, dedication and passion

Never quit learning and helping others learn

Never let the sense of adventure dissipate

Never quit UNCONDITIONALLY loving and caring for all those that touch my life

Be true. Be honest. Be you.

Never stray from be honest and true about who you are. You have the power to represent yourself. You have the power to show others who you are. Your words and actions have an unmatched level of power. Use your words and actions to represent your opinions, values, emotions, goals, desires, and thoughts. As you change through growth and personal development, let your actions and words change to continue representing you as you are. Your actions and words have the power to contradict the words of others projected upon you. Never surrender your power to be honest, be true and be the best version of you. 
"Never apologize for showing feeling. When you do so, you apologize for the truth." ~Benjamin Disraeli 
"Truth allows you to live with integrity. Everything you do and say shows the world who you really are. Let it be the truth." ~ Oprah Winfrey 
It's often times the words that are most difficult to say and hear that are the most important to share. Speak the truth. Be honest. 
Be the best version of yourself each and every day. 

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Power of choice.

Every person has the power of choice. We have the power to choose what will make us happy, what will make us feel complete, what will fulfill our dreams. We have the power to choose what is right for us and what is wrong. Only YOU know what is right for YOU and what is wrong for YOU... that's why you have the power to choose for YOU. 
With your power of choice, make positive, impactful choices. Choose happiness. Choose your passion. Choose your attitude. Choose to expand your horizons. Choose to create a positive change. Choose to serve. Choose to positively influence others. Choose to smile. Choose to never give up. Choose to succeed
You are in control of your life. Choose to define your path. Choose the power to write your own story, a story for a good life. 
"Your life isn't defined by what happens to you; you define your life by how you choose to respond to the things life throws at you. That is the POWER OF CHOICE!" 
"The greatest power ever bestowed upon mankind is the power of choice. Choose to persist without exception. Hold fast to your dreams and stay the course, even in the face of exhaustion, rejection, and uncertainty." ~ Andy Andrews, The Traveler's Gift
**Photo from 

I made memories. I laughed until I cried.

Think about the greatest moments in your life. Were you happy? Were you sad? Did you smile? Did you cry? Did you celebrate? Did you laugh?

In the greatest moments of my life, I was living. Living the good life. Sometimes there were smiles, sometimes there were tears, and sometimes I laughed until I cried. I let myself live in the moment and experience true emotion. I did not hold back. I allowed myself to be me. 

In the greatest moments of my life, I made memories. I made memories putting on 'concerts' on the back porch, chasing frogs and pulling the 4-wheeler out of the canal with the Club House Gang. I made memories living the life of a farmer's daughter. I made memories as I ventured through the Redwoods and all over Oregon on RV trips of a lifetime. I made memories as I was pushed overboard from a paddleboat into the Mediterranean Sea. I made memories being swept away as royalty after my strapless gown was unsuccessfully pulled down and my strapless bra was successfully pulled out. I made memories lying on my back counting the stars in the bed of a pick-up truck. I made memories as I left everything I knew to start anew. I made memories as my friends - my Carroll family - and I held each other tight each time life as we knew it changed. I made memories as I watched the "Saints Go Marching In" time after time. I made memories while knelling in honor before a monk in their holy temple. I made memories when I gathered family for memorial trips to reflect and remember those who were dear to us. I made memories when I picked-up and left my life behind again and again. I made memories as I read during pre-trivia prep, sang karaoke, studied my days and nights away, and embraced my peers every minute of every summer day. I made memories when I learned the significance of 'Roll Tide,' 'War Eagle,' 'Sweet Home Alabama,' grits, tornado sirens and y'all. I made memories in 'Club Case'  in the form MJ hallway dances, apology poems, and ASPSA wedding planning. I made memories as I was 'pre-proposed' to just outside the 'Boom Boom Quiet Study Hall Room.' I made memories as I witnessed a 'package check' during an initial visit to Utah when the first ever CLA was awarded. I made memories when I saw the 'A' lit blue. I made memories as Bieber guided our Intern Family to dance our way through Raleigh during a reunion. I made memories during my 'Wild West Adventures' with Walla Walla Kid, Miss Maggie and Aunt Sue. I made memories when I broke the rules and introduced the Montana skyline wedding reception to the Cupid Shuffle. I made memories when I accepted new people into my 'family.' I made memories as I embraced the moments in my life. 

As I embrace the moments in my life, sometimes there are smiles, sometimes there are tears, and sometimes I laugh until I cry.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Don't Miss Out On Your Life

As you go through life there are countless people that make their way in and out of your life. Every person and every experience affects your life story. It is what you choose to learn from each person and each experience that impacts how you are affected. You may not choose how a lesson is taught, but you can choose how you receive, process and reflect on the lesson. You can maximize the lessons learned and other's impact and influence on your life if you are truly present in your life, in the moment. You are present in your life if you move past the running list in the back of your mind about what you are missing out on in other people's lives and who is not present where you are.
If you get caught up in what and who are missing in your present life and how other's are living their life, you may miss out on living your life. If you miss out on your life, how can you live the good life?
"Some people come into our lives, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never the same." 
"People come into your life and people leave it... you just have to trust that life has a road mapped out for you." ~Orlando Bloom

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving Hand Turkey

I am thankful for... 

Friends and Family:  All the people that I've been blessed to have influence my life.

Challenges and Growth:  The challenges I've faced and the people that have challenged me, allowing me to grow and develop every day.

Support:  The opportunity to help others realize and strive to achieve their potential and goals. And, the support others gave me to reach my goals and strive to reach my potential.

Life’s Adventures:  The blessing of traveling, celebrating or devoting time to my passion of providing support while spending time with friends, family, co-workers and students.

Quotes: They’re multidimensional… they provoke reflection, motivation, humor, honesty, and guidance. 

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

How do you define success?

Success is unique. It is situational. It is changing, growing, developing. Success is learning.

In my (ideal) world, success is not defined by wins, awards or a transcript with perfect grades. It is not defined by position titles, paychecks or accolades. 

Success looks different for every individual and every 'team.' A continuous effort to meet established goals and perform to the best of your ability contributes to success. As progress is being made to meet goals, every individual and/or team must be constantly learning throughout the process. Whether or not the goal is met, success is achieved in the learning process. Essential to this belief, is that 'failure' to meet a goal, win a game, be promoted, or earn accolades can be the most instrumental contribution to achieving success. What many define is 'failure' is in fact the greatest tool in learning and therefore achieving ultimate success. We learn from our mistakes and failures on an ongoing basis.

Since each individual and 'team' has different goals and abilities and functions within a unique environment, everyone's success looks different. As we continue to learn throughout our daily experiences, our definition of and ability to achieve success is evolving. As we progress through a series of steps and mini-goals to meet an ultimate goal, our process and even goals may change to adapt to ever-changing situations. By allowing goals to further develop throughout changes, you have the ability to implement improvements so success will be found.

Can you say without a doubt that you put forth your full effort? Did you change and adapt to improve your efforts? Did you learn from your achievements, from your mistakes, from your 'failures'?

If you can answer 'yes' to each of these questions, you've done it! You've achieved success.

“The price of success is hard work, dedication to the job at hand, and the determination that whether we win or lose, we have applied the best of ourselves to the task at hand.” ~Vince Lombardi 
Realize and strive to achieve your potential; but, in doing so, be honest with yourself about your abilities and happiness. Also, acknowledge that "failure" may be the best thing to happen to you; what many term "failure" is often times the best tool in learning and achieving success.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

What's important in living the good life?

I'll be the first one to say I don't represent the best version of myself every moment of each and every day. However, finding success in living the good life comes from recognizing there's always a chance to better yourself and striving to focus on the important things in life everyday. Everyone defines the important things in life differently. We all have different values. We have different goals. We are individuals. And, our 'list' changes as we change. Change is inevitable. Change is constant. Change is positive.

At this point, what defines the important things in life for me? My list can be summed up in a series of words and phrases. The signficance of the list is much more powerful when reflection is used to expand basic thoughts and ideas. Some people may be able to prioritize their list. However, I believe each element of my list is equally as important and often times loses it's impactfulness and powerfulness when not coupled and embraced hand-in-hand with the other elements.
  • Trust. Confidence in others. Developed and maintained through honesty and integrity. Often times you cannot have trust without respect and also cannot have respect without trust. The greater trust someone has in you, the greater your ability to positively impact others. And, others have a great trust in you display passion. 
  • Integrity. Consistency in character and honesty. Continually acting according to values, beliefs and principles. Serves as a cornerstone for trust. 
  • Influence. Ability to positively impact others'. Strive each and every day to have a positive impact on others. Your influence may help others to make a positive change, accept an unsettling reality, and live their good life. 
  • Optimism. Having a positive outlook helps you to have a greater positive impact on others. Yes, there is complete merit in being honest about the realities. I live in a world of realities and it's often my job to provide a reality check. But, someone has to be optimistic. You might be the only person that is optimistic about a situation and gives hope to someone who is dependent on your influence. Also, the more positive your outlook, the happier you'll be. 
  • Respect. Respect for yourself and for others. You do not have the right to respect; you must earn it. If you first respect yourself, then others will follow suit. Respect is not defined by being liked; you can be revered with great respect by someone who does not 'like' you, your personality, beliefs, etc. 
  • Passion. Find true happiness in your actions and interactions. Be passionate about your life and relationships. How can you have a positive impact on those you interact with if you're not passionate about your time with them -- even if only brief moments? Be passionate about your life's work. Find something that makes you happy and work at it, then it won't really seen like 'work' or a 'job.' If you are passionate about your 'job,' you will be able to have a greater influence on others. 
  • Family. Blood and marriage do not define family. You can have multiple families whose relationships are defined differently. There are many types of love, and anyone you care about, you love. You still love people even if they frustrate you, make you angry, or upset you. Anyone you love is part of your family. Your family changes as you change. As we move through life, our family grows. Love has no capacity and neither does our family. Often times our 'friends' compose one or more of our 'families.'
Tomorrow the elements and definition of how I live a good life may change, but the foundation will remain the same. Reflection is key knowing and defining how you will live the good life in an ever-changing world. We are all unique individuals, so it's important not to change our definition to mimick someone who we are not. Be you. Be happy. Live the good life. 

“Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” ~ Howard Thurman